Just in time for National Nutrition Month, the Food and Drug Administration has given the American public a gift. The FDA is looking to revamp the food label for the second time in 20 years (the other previous change was to add Trans Fat to the label and not a substantial re-design). The changes are being made will show “a greater understanding of nutrition science”, “updated serving sizes”, and “a refreshed design”.
What does all of this mean to you? Hopefully the new labels will be easier to read and give more useful information. The changes include calories per serving in a larger font so you can see at a glance if the item you are considering will work within your calorie “budget”. Added sugars will now be highlighted (this is one of the things I am most excited about), as well as vitamin D and Potassium. Additionally standard serving sizes will be updated to reflect the amounts that people typically eat and drink. You can take a look at the fact sheet from the FDA for even more information.
The changes are not set at this time, for 90 days the FDA is accepting public comments about the proposed changes, so stay tuned for the final results. Here is a look at the proposed label. What do you think?